WISHLIST v. 1.1 - 01/95 ----------------------- This is a list of features that will be added/improved in the further releases of VR eXplorer: - Speed in editing images - Compass to indicate current direction - Test image stage - Insert/delete image rows/columns - Working directory dialog box - Internet link through MMWWWPC specs - Hotspots to zoom or navigate in VR (discreet) space - Feedback when no more scrolling are available during the play - PhotoCD support - VRX file elimination KNOWN DEFICIENCES/BUGS ---------------------- As this is the very first release of VR eXplorer, the application is not totally bug free. It is known that some inconveniences may be caused in particular situations during the merging process of images that have been previously loaded. When you delete an image, you remove its .VRX file from disk. It may cause some losses of links if you have already used it before. Please help the author to improve this work. Send your suggestions to: Paolo Tosolini tosolini@psicosun.univ.trieste.it